Bones: bed, bath, biscuits & more LLC
A Boneslife...seen through the eye of a camera. Ps 150

We believe the eyes are the window to the soul in human beings, & the same can be said for our best friend. Every picture tells a story and we try to capture that in the now...In play, in a glance, & with his or her favorite toy. They all reflect a broad range of inner emotions that we try to capture everyday here at Bones.
From the very beginning Bones was more than just another boarding kennel. The concept was to provide a home- like environment where dogs could enjoy each other's company...whether in play, relaxation or strolling and sniffing. It is here that BonesPix developed and grew. The eye of the camera began capturing the essence of being a dog and has given us the opportunity to freeze that moment in time to share with you...